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Purchase a ticket to Code Red's Haunted House here:

Purchase a ticket for $15 to attend Code Red's Theatre of Madness Haunted House at the Centre Mall on October 16 from 6-8pm. 

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Pre-Competitive Programming Q & A:
Q: When does the season start?
A: September 14, 2024
Q: When does the season end?
A: April 12, 2025
Q: Is any experience necessary?
A: Not at all! This is the perfect place to learn about our sport
Q: What do the athletes learn?
A: Athletes will learn all parts of a routine which includes jumps, tumbling, stunts, pyramid, and dance! By the end of the season this will be combined to show off and showcase for friends and family.
Q: Does this team compete?
A: No. This is pre-competitive, so the most they do is their year-end showcase and mid-year show-off to show their family what they've been working on.

See what we have available right now: 

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